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Welcome to Lost Control, an independant fanlisting for the underrated romantic pairing between Loki Odinson and Clint Barton from the MCU, AKA FrostHawk! If you're a fan of the pairing, maybe stick around, grab a button and join?

What is a fanlisting? Just what it says on the tin, a listing of fans of any given subject, be it media, pairings, fanworks, foods, whatever!

The last update was on 1st November 2023, when Hannibal joined. We have a total fan count of 1 (+ 0 pending), from 1 country.

This fanlisting is not officially affiliated with Marvel Entertainment in any way. No profit is made from this site and no copyright infringement is intended. Lost Control is run by Hannibal and is part of fannibal-rising.neocities.org.